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Long time no update, huh. I guess I haven't had the time or energy to talk about myself, but here I am. I don't know how much I can talk about for the privacy of those involved, but someone very important to me had something bad happen to them, and its kinda eating me up inside. Part of me didn't even want to talk about this, but I know if I don't it'll just fester. I do hope that the person in question doesn't read this. But maybe I'm just selfish. As it stands, I need to let some of this pressure out of my chest before I burst.

Someone I love really fell hard for someone who does not reciprocate, and it is really hitting them hard, and me as well. I truly believed the person did reciprocate, and encouraged the person I love in a way that I now regret. I wish I hadn't said anything, and had not trust my own intuition regarding the person. What is done is done, and in the end it doesn't matter. I've been through worse, the person I love has been through worse. This will pass, things will be fine. I just hate seeing the people I love in pain.

Other than that stuff, I put my github on my profile in case anyone wants to follow my coding projects. The last one was a text editor I wrote in python using tkinter I call Zazitor; super basic stuff, just basically a notepad clone. I hope to use it as a base to build more complex stuff around in the future, though! I also wanna put some games I've been working on on my github for y'all to see and play if you so wish! I figure that's better than adding download links to compiled versions of the games to this site, since I don't wanna encourage downloading random things from random websites. I was initially too afraid to post the source code because I am insecure about my ability to code cause girl in STEM I have had a lot of people judge my ability. Oh well. I'm ultimately glad that I did put it on my github.

Much love to all of you, you all are great and deserving of kindness < 3

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