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Hey guys! Its been a while that I've given any updates, so I figured now was the time! I officially quit from my previous job. Although I love the work, I'm glad to be moving on. I've been on a little vacation, which I've sorely needed.

I also took a little vacation to an Island near my state, which I also loved! It was great to spend that time with my boyfriend. I cannot express enough how badly I needed the break.

Beyond that, I got sick of the jank of the HP prodesk that I was fooling with as my main desktop (I love all the work I put into it, but I wanted a "just works" machine as my daily driver"), so I put Pop_OS! onto my gaming PC, and so far I have mostly no complaints. I plan on making a full review/recommendation once the COSMIC DE is out, because the Gnome implementation of Pop is awful. I'm running KDE made to look like Gnome 2/MATE, since that's my preferred look, and it works MUCH better than Pop's Gnome setup. I love Gnome in general, but for whatever reason, it does not work properly on Pop on my hardware. So as of now, I recommend Pop but only if you are using a different DE like KDE, or get a more vanilla Gnome setup. I wanna wait till COSMIC is out, though, since COSMIC might end up being amazing, but its still in alpha, so I'm not sure how it will actually be.

I still plan on building a new gaming rig at some point in the future, but for now, the Ryzen 7 1700x and GTX 1080 can plan everything I wanna play at performance that I consider to be "good enough" at 1080p. I've been playing Baldur's gate 3 at ultra, mostly at 60 FPS, so I'm perfectly happy as of now. I do know that this is gonna change verysoon, based on how I needed to make config changes to get starfield to work at a decent FPS

All told, I am feeling very excited about my future, and have been happier than I've been in months. I love all of you < 3

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