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Hey guys! Little update today, a larger update is coming soon while I continue the process of transferring within the org that I work at. The TL;DR is that the center that I'm working at is doing some sketch shit, so I'm transferring to a different department within the org that has different upper management that I got along better with when I used to work there. I'm considering going into more depth later, but that might get me into trouble. No NDAs or anything, but I can see that getting me fired if I talked in-depth about it, so I don't think I want to risk it (since this is publically viewable and available). Realistically, I'll just say "shit didn't work out at the center, so I'm gonna work in the field".

Besides that, strongly considering teaching myself lua and starting to make pico-8 games, cause like, looks like soooo much fun!!! I want to get back into game making, esp. since I've mostly only made shitty little RPGs in RPG maker recently, along with like, text adventures in python cause I'm not an artist and don't know how to do pixel art, lol. With pico-8, I'll get a chance to get better at pixel art, but not have to work too too hard due to the limitations of pico-8. I might end up making more text adventures, cause they're easy and lets me like, do something with coding beyond working on this website, which I really enjoy doing.

Anyway, I love everyone who reads this, and thank you if you are!! Hope you are doing well out there in that wide world of yours < 3

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