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Hello everyone! I forgot to post yesterday, my bad. Oh well. I'm over my boyfriends mom's house finally doing the gift exchange that I was waiting for, which means I got baldur's gate 3!!!! I'm very excited to finally watch it, since Dragon age Origins is one of my favorite games. Should be a lot of fun!!!

Posted a day late, oh well. Love y'all!!

ADDEUNDUM: a day later, but I need to talk about all that happened yesterday and also today. Got BGS3, excited to play that, although right now I'm mostly just tired. Work is so exhausitng, I'm definitely going through burnout. Not sure what to do about that, oh well. I have a tendancy to feel unwelcome whenever I spend time with my boyfriends family, although really its just his little brother that doesn't like me, so its not quite as bad as I make it out to be. I just feel very depressed, and could use an extended vacation of non-existence, or at least sleep, dreams optional. I don't want perma death, just temporary rest. Maybe a solid month of sleep would be nice, although 3 months would be preferred.

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