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Hi everyone! Today has been another great day for me so far :D! I got another day off cause of snow (is a winter wonderland outside!!!!), so I get to spend the day at home playing video games and writing :3 It is so much fun!!! I have definitely enjoyed my now super long weekend.

Not much else to say, will likely add an addendum as per my usual pattern, but wanted to make sure I kept up with my daily blogging cause it has been lots of fun!

Love y'all!!

ADDENDUM: sure enough, am writing an addendum! not too much to add honestly, mostly just did exactly what I expected to do on my snow day, including playing pillars of eternity, doing a tiny bit of writing, playing with Kody, and resting! Great day overall, am very satisfied!! A little sad that I'm going back to work tomorrow, but I know it'll be good to be back in the saddle, so to speak. Love y'all!!

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