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Hi all! Today has been exhausting, but I got through! I'm excited to be home, but I get some time to chill so I can do some blogging and such. There were some weird issues with booting into my lil anitx lappy (which I just installed last night). For whatever reason, it took SOO long for it to boot, and I'm not sure why. I eventually booted into the bios, and then when I left after trying to see if anything got screwy, and it booted just fine. Not sure what happened, but whatever.

In terms of work, it was fine. I love seeing the kiddos that I work with, but I am just so tired. My boyfriend has been trying to convince me to get a different job that is friendly for my chronic illnesses, but ehhhhhh ,I really enjoy the job and I'm not sure if I want to get another job. I love this job, and I'm scared of getting a new one that I might hate, or might be even worse for me in respect to either chronic pain or mental illnesses. It feels like, scary for me to go witha different job when I enjoy this one so much, even if it does worsen my pain and is physically draining. I feel like any job would be draining, so really it all depends on if I can find a job that is not physcially painful, but if I could find one, there's a real chance that the job would be miserable psychologically, because I would just be too bored in the position. Not really sure. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out. I feel like I would want to stay in this job if it weren't for upper manangement, which sucks. We'll see what I decide, and I'll keep y'all posted!

I'll probably keep up with writing the addendums tonight, I really enjoy the continual updates, and having a place for me to vent to people. Thank you all who are reading this for being you, I love you!!

ADDENDUM: Feeling great now that I'm home! I've been home for a bit, and in that time I filed my taxes early, installed KDE plasma and configured it for my work PC, and am absolutely loving it! Def think I'm gonna switch to KDE plasma for most of my other PCs, other than the ones that I'm just running window managers on. Certainly all my debian and Ubuntu computers. Hope all of you are having a good day/night, much love!!

ADDENDUM PART 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: Out of nowhere, my audio jack stopped working on my work PC, and I tried just about everything on the software-side to get it working, and I genuinely believe that it was a hardware failure. So, I'm gonna have to use USB audio, which is fine, since this is mainly just a coding, writing, and productivity machine, which doesn't require the highest quality sound or anything. So, all is well.

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