
Home Opinions Reviews Diary Creative writing Friends!

Operating systems:

  1. Debian GNU/Linux
  2. Arch GNU/Linux
  3. Linux Mint GNU/Linux
  4. Antix GNU/Linux
  5. Ubuntu GNU/Linux
  6. Fedora GNU/Linux
  7. Pop!_OS GNU/Linux
  8. Haiku OS
  9. GrapheneOS


  1. Vim(programming)
  2. Vscodium(programming)
  3. ZazIDE(My open-source IDE that I use so I can find problems with it)
  4. Godot(game development)
  5. Libre office products(writing and spreadsheets)
  6. Kdenlive(video editing)
  7. Krita (graphics/drawing stuff)
  8. GIMP (image manipulation)
  9. KVM/QEMU (virtualization)
  10. Virtual Box (windows virtualization)
  11. OBS(screen capture)
  12. Zazitor(my open-source text editor that I use so I can find problems with it)

Media stuff(non-exhaustive)

  1. Jdownloader (grabbing MP4s from places)
  2. Freetube (YouTube client)
  3. OpenMW(Morrowind, fav game)
  4. Minecraft flatpak (what's on the tin)
  5. Newpipe (YouTube client for mobile)
  6. Spot (Gnome spotify client)
  7. VLC (Media player)
  8. Unciv (Open source civ-V-like)
  9. GZDoom (Doom engine stuff)
  10. Vintage Story (Minecraft-like game)
  11. Lutris (video games)


  1. KeePassXC(Password manager)
  2. Wireshark(network monitoring)
  3. FireFox (Web browsing)
  4. Tor Browser (accessing Tor)
  5. Signal (messaging)
  6. Vesktop (Discord client)
  7. Back