Operating systems:
- Debian GNU/Linux
- Arch GNU/Linux
- Linux Mint GNU/Linux
- Antix GNU/Linux
- Ubuntu GNU/Linux
- Fedora GNU/Linux
- Pop!_OS GNU/Linux
- Haiku OS
- GrapheneOS
- Vim(programming)
- Vscodium(programming)
- ZazIDE(My open-source IDE that I use so I can find problems with it)
- Godot(game development)
- Libre office products(writing and spreadsheets)
- Kdenlive(video editing)
- Krita (graphics/drawing stuff)
- GIMP (image manipulation)
- KVM/QEMU (virtualization)
- Virtual Box (windows virtualization)
- OBS(screen capture)
- Zazitor(my open-source text editor that I use so I can find problems with it)
Media stuff(non-exhaustive)
- Jdownloader (grabbing MP4s from places)
- Freetube (YouTube client)
- OpenMW(Morrowind, fav game)
- Minecraft flatpak (what's on the tin)
- Newpipe (YouTube client for mobile)
- Spot (Gnome spotify client)
- VLC (Media player)
- Unciv (Open source civ-V-like)
- GZDoom (Doom engine stuff)
- Vintage Story (Minecraft-like game)
- Lutris (video games)
- KeePassXC(Password manager)
- Wireshark(network monitoring)
- FireFox (Web browsing)
- Tor Browser (accessing Tor)
- Signal (messaging)
- Vesktop (Discord client)