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Hi everyone! Not much to say today, mostly just did some tinkering, remade my resume, sent some emails, got some food, and did some tinkering with some laptops. Most interestingly to me, I fucked around with the aspire one that I got the other day. As I mentioned in previous posts, pretty much no distro of linux worked properly, with only Antix being even close to usable. So, I tried working with the OS that the laptop would have ran, which was windows 7, and it just flat out didn't work. So, I decided to try something totally new for me, and that is try out Haiku (the modern BeOs thingy). I've ran it in a VM before, and it seems cool enough, but since I pretty much only use linux, I'm not used to other operating systems and terminals, so I really don't know how to do anything. That being said, its about as light weight as it gets, and in the live environment, it definitely showed that! It was the most usable live environment I had yet tried, but unfortunately, after several formatting and partitioning attempts, I could not get the PC to recognize a drive with Haiku installed as bootable. So, I decided to take it apart, install a different hard drive I had lying around, and see if that helped at all. It did not. I also tried fixing something with the keyboard, but ended up breaking it in the process, but I really don't care, since the keyboard was nothing to write home about anyway, and I wouldn't be taking it anywhere without a desk due to the dead battery, so an external keyboard is fine. That being said, I'm probably just going to take out all the guts and replace it with a single board computer, then hook up a different keyboard (maybe even use the pi 400 so it can be a wombo combo), since I like having the form-factor of a netbook, but the only real usable modern netbooks are from GPD, and they are way too expensive for me to buy for tinkering fun times, so I'd rather just make my own.

Other than that, I don't have too much else to say. I'm glad I get an extra day off tomorrow due to a doctor's appointment, because I am not ready to go back to work yet. I am so tired, I really just need a few-hundred-year rest. Why couldn't I be an ancient dragon or something?

That's all for now, thanks for reading to all who do! Much love from your pal Zaz < 3

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