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Hi all! Another tiny update (mostly just trying to post something daily in respect to blogging cause like, its been really relaxing having a consistent way of getting my thoughts/feelings out that isn't mindless posting on social media as I so often did in the past. I wonder why having my thoughts in a public space of some kind feels different, and more satisfying than just journaling. I'll need to do some introspection on that, I think.

Anyway! I got the new laptop! Its a early 2015 11 inch macbook air, which I've loaded with ubuntu. Honestly, out of all the distros I've hoped to over the years, I keep finding myself going back to ubuntu. It probably has to do with it being my first distro, and thus the one that I got most comfortable with. Sure, I could install debian or any other distro and then change it to look and function just like ubuntu, but that's a lot of work to just get ubuntu again, so I am going with it. The laptop itself is so snappy, and the premium feel is really appealing. I also like how small it is, it feels durable and easy to just take anywhere. I look forward to daily driving it for a while to see how I feel about the macbook hardware-wise. It certainly seems up to the task of light coding, word processing, and minecraft.

no updates besides that, but wanted to keep up with posting daily. Much love to all that read!!

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