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Hi all! I got some much needed sleep after the disaster of yesterday, and now can say that things will most likely start going better for me. We (being me and my boyfriend) rescheduled our hangout with a friend on account of the flashback yesterday, so as a result I get the next 2 days to relax and recover from it all! Its definitely a much needed 2 days, since next weekend the excitement is going to continue with lots and lots of stuff to do. I wish that we had 3 days in a weekend every weekend, because just the number of weekend days that we have now is just not enough to comfortably rest and recover from the work week, given all the various chores and such that need to be done. Oh well, such is life, and even if it might change in the future for someone else, that someone else isn't me. I'm okay though, I have it better than most, and I am happy that I am fortunate enough to get a day to myself as is.

In terms of what I plan on doing today: I want to tinker around with my main workstation PC. I have debian 12 installed on it, and I've been having some minor problems with crashing that I think I Can fix. It might be a limitation of RAM, however, since it only has 8 gigs, which is increasingly becoming not enough for a lot of basic tasks. That's a little weird, isn't it? Not too long ago having 1 gig of RAM wasn't uncommon, and 2 gigs was just fine to get you by, while 4 gigs was fantastic and 8 was this mystical amount that only the wealthest of gamers and the most serious of professionals had. And now, 1 gig is unheard of, short of emulation devices and pis, 2 gigs is reserved for the used market, 4 gigs is the bare minimum that will appear on even the cheapeast of chromebooks, 8 gigs is the bare minimum for any device that is expected to get any serious work done, 16 is he default, and 32 is the gamer default. That's ridiculous to me, the very idea of 32 gigs of RAM just seems preposterous. My first computer was an old Acer aspire laptop, and it had 512 MB of RAM, and the first computer I had ever used had closer to 16 MB! Now, my formerly top of the line gaming PC cerca 2018 has 16 GB of ram, and that's starting to feel like not enough. That's one of the reasons I like really debloated linux distros, I can take something that has less than a gig of ram and squeeze some performance out of it. I'm typing this on a dell lattitude d630 that I got at VCF east, with AntiX Linux installed on it, and it is SO SNAPPY now. I tried running Mint, Ubuntu, and Debian, as well as Lubuntu, but none of them worked quite as well as AntiX for squeezing performance out of this lappy. Now he's totally usable for general productivity, and can even do 1080p video playback! The newest game he can run is Half-Life though, and not the source variant on steam.

I've enjoyed writing addendums to my diary posts as the day goes by, so I think I'm going to continue doing that. For now, I'll close this post by saying once again, you are loved!!

quick ADDENDUM: Hi all! Today was indeed a much better day! Had a nice cozy time at home playing mostly pillars of eternity and dragon age origins, was nice! That's all, love y'all!

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